Grand Reopening Interview
Rogers TV interview with various makers in the space focusing on the official reopening of updated/moved areas of the lab.

Our laser cutter features a 2×3 ft. bed and is capable of cutting a range of materials, including plywood, acrylic, cardboard and fabric, into custom shapes.
The Dedicated Metal shop Area includes working tools such as a Bridgeport mill, metal lathe, drill press, CNC mill (Training Documents Pending), welding equipment, and more!
Our Dedicated wood shop includes working tools such as the jointer, planer, lathe, mitre saw, table saw, bandsaw, drill press, and a CNC router with a 4×4 ft. cutting bed.
The Electronics Area has everything you need to finish that never ending electronics project. Includes hot air rework station, reflow oven, battery spot welder, soldering stations, benchtop power supply, oscilloscopes, and more!
Have a sewing project? With a selection of a 36″ floor loom, 45″ floor loom, Singer and Pfaff sewing machines, an embroidery machine, sergers, and knitting machines, the textiles area has the tools to make work easy, and the results are awesome!
The newly relocated/renamed WhichCraft? contains 3D printers, a clicker press, and much more.
Open to the Public Every Tuesday Night
Meet awesome makers and tour our facilities. We are open to the public every Tuesday evening from 7-10pm. Come visit us at:
145 Bedford Rd., Kitchener, ON Canada N2G 3A3
Members have access to our facilities 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Scroll down to learn more about becoming a member.
If you answered “yes” to all of the above, we would love for you to join us!
To get started, come to one or two Tuesday Open Nights to view our facilities and speak to some of our members. Feel free to bring a project to show off or get advice about.
Once you decide to join, you just need to talk to a member during Tuesday Open Night. We will interview you, explain the rules and ask you to agree to them, photograph you, and post your membership application to the internal mailing list. There is a 5 day waiting period during which members can comment on your membership application. Then you will be invited to become a member. You’ll need to set up online payments for your membership dues, and pay your first month dues ($59+HST). Then we will give you a key card, and you can come in any time you want (24 hour access).
Once you have been accepted as a member, please visit our Membership Dues page to learn about payment options.
Rogers TV interview with various makers in the space focusing on the official reopening of updated/moved areas of the lab.
Interview with Drew Ripley Lab Spokesperson, and Jennifer Janik Artist in Residence.
They discuss the history and culture of the lab leading up to the Grand Expansion Opening Weekend.
Aired on March 25th 2024
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